这个星期很忙。我们的地带有一个目标:给四百个人摩尔门经!(This week was busy. Our zone had a goal of giving the Book of Mormon to 400 people)
我的目标是努力练习我的普通话因为下个月我的同伴回家了。(My goal right now is to diligently practice my Mandarin because my trainer is ending her mission next month. And there will only be 3 sister missionaries left working in the Mandarin area, unless they send a local to be my companion.)
我们两个有不好的普通话但是我们一起了解each other。她是慕斯林。我告诉他我有一个免费的书,
我告诉她我想要给她一个礼物。她说,“没有钱?” 她接受我给她的摩尔门惊经!她叫Lulu!

(Last Tuesday, we were going finding so we could reach our goal for the night to give away atleast 6 Books of Mormon. I had a funny experience. When we were at the MTR, I saw a person who looked Filipino but I spoke to her in Mandarin! We had a good conversation and she was shocked that I was from the Philippines and knew how to speak Mandarin. I didn't understand 70% of what she was saying and my companion left me alone so I couldn't ask her for help at all cause she was also talking to another person. She was actually Indonesian and she had broken Mandarin, so it was so nice to speak broken Mandarin with each other.

Even if our Chinese was so poor, we got to understand each other and we eventually got to learn about each other and introduced myself as a missionary and gave her a book of Mormon. She asked if it was free and said "thank you I'm Muslim, I believe in Allah but I will accept this book." Her name was Lulu! I was so happy to meet her.)
Another awesome miracle was that we met an Italian guy at the MTR, sister Rucker started talking to him and asked him what he was doing here at Hong Kong. He said he was working at an Italian Restaurant as a singer then he started to sing hahaha it was so fun cause he was so passionate about it and people started to look at him. We were pretty shocked too

in the middle of his singing, his stop arrived so he had to leave but sister Rucker threw a book of Mormon in his hand and asked if he was a Christian and he couldn't even answer and just took to the book of Mormon with him. When we arrived home, we said our prayers and were so excited to eat our dinner and before we could even eat someone starts calling us and tells us he found our book in one of the seats of the station (where the Italian guy stopped). We ate like 2 spoons of our meals and started running to the station because he said he wanted to give the book back but his voice was really unfamiliar and he just kept saying okay I'll meet you at this station. We were running really fast, and this was so hard for me because I have a really weak body. My calves started to hurt and burn and I thought I was gonna get cramps, my heart was beating really fast and I was sweating even if the weather was so cold!! All of it was so worth it because we met the person who called us and said, "I found your book at the seat in Sai Ying Pun. I asked the person who sat beside the book if it was his but he said no. I picked it up because this book looks really special. I know it's sacred because I saw the word Jesus Christ. I opened the book because I know there are numbers on this book so I called you." His name was Glen and he was Filipino, and we read a verse in 3 Nephi. We told him to keep it and he refused because he said he had a hard time reading scriptures because it was hard to understand and he didn't have a lot of time to read. We insisted that he keeps it and he did. Then he later said, "it's my second time to receive this book. There were also other missionaries who gave me a book like this." That was such a cool experience. Redirection! We gave a book of Mormon, we acted in faith by listening to promptings and God gave us an experience that helps us see His love for His children.
This week was so awesome, it was filled with great experiences. As I reflect on how I've already been here in Hong Kong for a month, I realized that as I serve and meet people, I get to experience living as the Savior lived. I wish I could comprehend Jesus Christ's love for all of us, but if I did, I would be overwhelmed.
This week I want to invite you all to read Alma 30:44. Go outside and sit down, just look at the skies and look at what God has created for you and I. We will be amazed at how God has created us and gave us wisdom to create beautiful things. "There is beauty all around."
你们呢?你们最近好吗?祝你有美好的兴起!(What about you guys? How have you been? I want to hear from you! Hope you have a wonderful week!)