What a stressful week
haven't been feeling myself lately. I feel like I've worked too hard this week. We were able to hit our goals this week which was so great.

We have a new friend named Tracy Song! She was found at the visitor's Centre and was passed off to us. She has been coming to our game nights and then she said she would come to church on Sunday. It was so cool! She sat beside me and had so many good questions. She has never been to church before so I was so scared for her especially when the speakers started sharing their talks. They were talking about baptism and the Atonement of Christ. She was even translating for me haha and it made it even worse cause the topics were too much for her. Yet she said that the talks were meaningful to her. It just shows that this is the Lord's work and He will sustain the work that you are doing.
We also met the cutest little kid. She might be my new favorite! Her name is Angel, she's 7 years old. We have been calling her a lot this week and she is absolutely a cutie!!! A few of the things that she said that made my day was:
1. Okay give me a lesson now
2. You can call me tomorrow anytime okay
3. You are my number 1 friend. Actually my number 0 friend is God and then you are number 1 

4. You pray to have egg tarts?!?!?
5. Little Mrs. chicken
6. God is in my heart
7. You can visit me okay and we can play together and you can give me a lesson
AAA I'm so in love with her haha I can't wait to meet her in person. When we called her yesterday she picked up and said "hey remember I said you can call me anytime?" I'm so happy I can still mingle a lot with these children. I don't ever want to leave Wan Chai, I want to be able to develop a friendship with all the children.
I'm so close to hitting my 6 month mark, it's crazy!!! I'm going home in a year haha I'm so excited for what happens next. Sister Wright and I always have late night talks about what might happen after our missions. We talk about visiting one another after our missions or going to BYU together. All I can say is that I've been doing great as a missionary, I've been fulfilling my purpose and it's been going great. So many small and simple miracles happen in the daily and it shows me how merciful the Lord is everyday.
1. Shek O with Sistah Brady
2. My Canadian cutie
3. Chili party spicy food
4. This was so spicy I started crying
5. Our cute zone
6. This sweet lady called us a éȘæ
7. Lele falling asleep during English class
8. Morning dimsum with Tino! He works as a security guard at the church. He served his mission in Singapore.
9. ANGEL!!! ♡♡♡
Sister Sy