Monday, January 16, 2023

S3:E16 The One Where We Go to Disney!


新年快乐 🥟

 ☆ This week felt so slow and so long! We visited the Jacinto family that lives in Tuen Mun! They were such a sweet family and they fed us really good food 😋

☆ We also met with our friend Claire. She is an interesting lady from France. She doesn't want to get inside our chapel because of the paintings of Jesus Christ. She says that the bible tells us that we shouldn't have graven images. We tried telling her that we don't worship these paintings and that they are only there for our remembrance of what Jesus Christ did. As I tried finding answers to her concerns, I came across an article entitled "Images of Christ" and in it included the testimonies of artists who painted Christ. Personally, I am grateful for pictures of Christ because it reminds me that He was just like us, that He once lived among the people and of His ministry. And as a person who learns more from visuals than texts, it is so helpful to me. I want to share one of the sweet testimonies of one of the artists: 

"I feel no better peace than when I am bearing witness of Christ through a paintbrush. The ability to speak my feelings is not one of my strong points. But a gracious Heavenly Father has blessed me with the ability to bear a witness of my Savior. In reflecting on my testimony and the effects of the arts in my life, I hope to have shown all brothers and sisters of Christ that I know Jesus is the Christ and that He lives."

☆ Last pday we were able to go to DISNEYLAND. How lucky are we to get to go to disney any time we want to!! It was so fun and happy to visit, go on rides and watch some shows.


1. Chinese new year preppy
2. My long lost sister
3. Sister Rich + Stakkeland
4. Mini zone pic!!

Sister Sy


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