☆ We went to do our studies in the harbour at the hottest time of the day lol cause we want to be community missionaries!! And so now I have a very wonderful visible watch tanline. Anyway the blessings came as there were two guys from Pakistan who we got to talk to! We got to learn more about Muslims and what they believe and practice. And then we went to HKU to do our studies and met Baran from Iran, we were inviting lots of people to come join our game night and we decided to invite her, it turned out so well and definitely not what we were expecting. As we talked to her she said she was so grateful because she was finding friends here in Hong Kong. Small miracles!! It was so sweet :)
☆ We had a super successful activity in Wanchai!! We celebrated the dragon boat festival and 包粽子!! Got to meet the sweetest girl Sing and she's from the northern part of mainland. She was the nicest and had the sweetest smile ever, she was so chill. We got talking about kpop and just missionary work. And the activity was just a whole success, so many children came and had so much fun. I was so happy playing with Lia the whole time it's crazy how ADORABLE SHE IS! Like how can a child be so cute?! The whole time we were running around together playing balloons, I was the happiest person that day :)) so many less active members got to go join the activity which was so nice because they got to reconnect with the church.
☆ Had a wonderful zone conference and learned so much! They just announced the new preach my gospel. I am so so excited to use the new preach my gospel haha. President Chan talked about companionship unity and we received more training on how we can enhance our work in Hong Kong. After our zone conference we visited Sara so we could introduce Sister Liu to her. She is absolutely full of wisdom. We told her we prepared a message but that we shouldn't worry cause we wouldn't be teaching but it would actually be her teaching us. We got to talk about submitting our lives to the Lord, we got to talk about things we have learned in our missions and what the most important thing in our missions are. It was so nice to get talking about the things that matter most are the relationships you've built and the love you've developed for the people. It's not always about the numbers but it really is the love and the sincerity you have.
☆ Doing visitors centre this week was so cool! We had 2 different goals for our 2 hour block. For the first hour we wanted to hand out the restoration pamphlets and no one was really interested so we went back in to say a prayer on our knees. We specifically said that we wanted to talk to at least 1 person in Mandarin and have a good gospel conversation with them. We went out and received what we desired immediately. It was so cool! We met 2 Buddhists from Guangzhou, we gave them a pamphlet, a book of Mormon and a Chapel tour. Prayers work! Be more specific and have more faith to receive the answers to the good desires of your heart.
☆ We did drawing finding one night, Sister Liu has a very wonderful talent of drawing. We used her talents in finding people so she would draw people and we would go up to them. It was a really cool way of lighting up Hong Kong. And then we met Sonia. She was so sweet, she was alone looking at the seaside and was listening to some music. We got to talk a lot with her about university and how she just finished her IELTS exam. It was so fun that we got to know her because of Sister Liu's talent of drawing. We really can use our talents in strengthening the work of the Lord and finding the people. As we were walking back to the Chapel we met a family from mainland that needed to find the MTR, we walked with them the whole way and the grandparents were so so so sweet, the grandma had the purest smile ever. At the end they were saying thank you Sisters! It was such a cool experience. And then we were on our way home and me and Sister Liu were just talking about some experiences we had and then I felt a really strong prompting from the Spirit that we should walk another route. I felt very uncomfortable and very unsettled. I felt that someone was following us home. And so we acted on that prompting and I said we need to turn right. 2 seconds after, we got a call from Sister Brady and she said that we shouldn't go straight home but that we should turn another way because someone was following us and they were following the person to make sure we were safe. It is an added testimony to me that the spirit is with us and is taking care of us. The Lord is taking care of his missionaries. So grateful for the spirit, that was a really scary night. I have never felt unsafe in Hong Kong until that night. But so grateful we listened to the prompting.
☆ We went to the harbour with Cindy again and read the book of Mormon together. She is the cutest ever and again she asked the best questions. She's also thinking of going to BYU haha during the sacrament meeting for some reason she searched up "杨百翰大学" it was so random I wonder why she was thinking of that at that time haha but it's so cool how she really is so eager to join the church. She's preparing for baptism on August 6th! AWESOME LAAAA we had a really good time with her at the harbour just sharing with each other life experiences. It feels so comforting around her and very peaceful.
• victoria library
• harbour + elizabeth house view ![🤠](https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/1f920/32.png)
• maaaatchy shoes and socks
• us getting burnt at the harbor
• scot mo and my favorite liaaaaa :>
• sing ♡ she's so cute !
• promised island cute
• powskis
• zone conference yay
• cindy ! august 6th !
• sister liu and her first pan fried dumplings